Aqua DiveLog for Palm OS Documentation

Conduit - divesite template

The divesite template is used as a basic framework or your divesites pages.

navigation block

Headers and footers of divesite pages may contaion so called navigation blocks to jump to previous and following divesites.
But, of course, the PDL-keywords can be used anywhere in the HTML-document not only within header or footer.
keyword description parameter
<PDL_html_index > reference to logbook index (default caption: index) ref or forceref + all
<PDL_prev_divesite > reference to previous divesite (default caption: location-place) ref or forceref + all
<PDL_next_divesite > reference to next divesite (default caption: location-place) ref or forceref + all

Use the ref or forceref - parameter to define a hyperlink reference.
The difference between ref and forceref is, that ref shows the field, even if there is no vaild hyperlink while forceref will hide the whole field under such conditions.

To add your own text to a refence field, use the prefix and text parameters.

a typical navigation block will look something like:

location-place A index location-place C


<table cellpadding="10" align="center">
   <PDL_prev_divesite forceref ></PDL_prev>
   <PDL_html_index forceref></PDL_index>
   <PDL_next_divesite forceref ></PDL_next>

location / place data

A small divsite relevant subset of simple PDL-keyword can be used for this template.
PDL-keyword syntax:
keyword description parameter
<PDL_location > global location of divesite all
<PDL_place > place of divesite all
<PDL_place_altitude > altitude of divesite all
<PDL_place_latitude > latitude of divesite all
<PDL_place_longitude > longitude of divesite all
<PDL_place_description > description of divesite all
<PDL_place_depth > max. depth of divesite all
<PDL_place_water > sea water or fresh water all
<PDL_place_type > type of divesite all
<PDL_place_rating > rating of divesite 1 (worst) ... 5 (best) all


location / place


<b><PDL_location>location</PDL_location> / <PDL_place>place</PDL_place></b><br>

Take care to enter the correct filename of your template to the divelog.ini.
keyword description default
PlaceTemplate path and filename of the divesite template PlaceTemplate = .\template\sample_place.html

conduit documentation index and overview template dive record template